
JSON object


Data elements

acsURLans..256MThe ACS URL that will be used for the to PAReq.
PAReqans..1024MA constructed, Base64 encoded and compressed field carrying the Payer Authentication Request Message Fields. The compression algorithm used is a combination of LZ77 and Huffman coding as specified in RFC 1951.
termURLans..256MThe merchant URL the ACS will redirect the cardholder to after the authentication has concluded. Please note that the 1cs Online Payment System adds the field PayID in the query string to the base URL.
Data elements



        “$schema”: “”,

        “$id”: “”,

        “title”: “3DS Legacy Data”,

        “description”: “Nötige 3DS Altdaten zur Erzeugung der PAReq-Nachricht”,

        “type”: “object”,

        “properties”: {

               “MID”: {

                       “type”: “string”,

                       “minLength”: 3,

                       “maxLength”: 30


               “TransID”: {

                       “type”: “string”,

                       “maxLength”: 64


               “acsURL”: {

                       “type”: “string”,

                       “format”: “uri”


               “PAReq”: {

                       “type”: “string”,

                       “description”: “Base64-codierte und komprimierte (siehe RFC 1951) Payer Authentication Request (PAReq).”


               “TermURL”: {

                       “type”: “string”,

                       “format”: “uri”



        “required”: [“MID”, “TransID”, “acsURL”, “PAReq”, “TermURL”],

        “additionalProperties”: false




        “MID”: “ACME_INC”,

        “TransID”: “Transaction ID 123”,

        “acsURL”: “”,

        “PAReq”: “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”,

        “TermURL”: “”
