
JSON object


Data elements

typeobjectMType of credential on file payment.
initialPaymentbooleanMIndicates whether a card on file transaction is the first one in a series of transactions (establishment) or a subsequent transaction.
Type of use case that is intended.
Data elements


recurringobjectCRecurring payments are a series of transactions processed persuant to an agreement between a cardholder and a merchant where the cardholder purchases goods or services over a period of time through a number of separate transactions. Please note that in the context of PSD2 and SCA requirements the European Banking Authority (EBA) describes recurring payments as a series of transactions with the same amount and with the same payee. ______________________________________________ In conjunction with useCase (optional): useCase (optional) + description: absent = Standard subscription use case
fixed = Subscription is fixed amount, fixed duration/frequency
flexibleAmount = Subscription has flexible amount, fixed duration/frequency flexibleFrequency = Subscription has fixed amount, flexible duration/frequency
unscheduledstringCValue indicating the party that initiates a credential on file transaction that does not occur on a fixed schedule. Values accpeted: · CIT = Cutsomer Initiated Transaction · MIT = Merchant Initiated Transaction ____________________________________ In conjunction with useCase (optional): useCase (optional) + description: absent = Standard unscheduled use case
cof = Credential On File / One-Click
Data elements type


recurringFrequencyintegerMIndicates the number of days between authorisations.
recurringStartDatestringODetermines the date of the first authorization according to the recurring mandate.
recurringExpiryDatestringMDate after which no further authorisations shall be performed.
Data elements recurring



    “$schema”: “”,

    “$id”: “”,

    “title”: “credentialOnFile”,

    “description”: “Credential-on-File Transactions”,

    “type”: “object”,

    “properties”: {

        “type”: {

            “type”: “object”,

            “properties”: {

                “recurring”: {

                    “type”: “object”,

                    “properties”: {

                        “recurringFrequency”: {

                            “type”: “integer”,

                            “minimum”: 1,

                            “maximum”: 9999,

                            “description”: “Indicates the minimum number of days between recurring authorizations.”


                        “recurringStartDate”: {

                            “type”: “string”,

                            “format”: “full-date”,

                            “description”: “YYYY-MM-DD”


                        “recurringExpiryDate”: {

                            “type”: “string”,

                            “format”: “full-date”,

                            “description”: “YYYY-MM-DD”



                    “required”: [“recurringExpiryDate”, “recurringFrequency”],

                    “additionalProperties”: false


                “unscheduled”: {

                    “type”: “string”,

                    “enum”: [“CIT”, “MIT”]        



            “oneOf”: [

                {“required”: [“recurring”]},

                {“required”: [“installments”]},

                {“required”: [“unscheduled”]}


            “additionalProperties”: false


        “initialPayment”: {

            “type”: “boolean”



    “required”: [“type”, “initialPayment”],

    “additionalProperties”: false


Sample recurring


    “type”: {

        “recurring”: {

            “recurringFrequency”: 30,

            “recurringStartDate”: “2019-09-14”,

            “recurringExpiryDate”: “2020-09-14”



    “initialPayment”: true


Sample unscheduled CIT


    “type”: {

        “unscheduled”: “CIT”


    “initialPayment”: false
