
JSON object


The browserInfo object is only relevant for Server-to-Server integrations. Merchants that use First Cash Solution payment pages or card forms do not need to submit this data field.

Data elements

acceptHeadersstringMExact content of the HTTP accept headers as sent from the customer’s browser.
ipAddressstringMIP address of the browser as returned by the HTTP headers.
javaEnabledbooleanCBoolean that represents the ability of the customer’s browser to execute Java. Required when Browser JavaScript Enabled = true; otherwise Optional.
javaScriptEnabledbooleanMBoolean that represents the ability of the customer’s browser to execute JavaScript. For using 3DS 2.0 JavaScript muss be activated (javaScriptEnabled = true). In this case all depending parameters javaEnabled, colorDepth, screenHeight, screenWidth and timeZoneOffset has to be submitted too.
languagestringMValue representing the browser language as defined in IETF BCP47, e.g. “en”, “de”, “fr”, “en-US”, “en-GB”, “de-DE”, “de-AT”, …
colorDepthintegerCValue representing the bit depth of the colour palette for displaying images, in bits per pixel. Required when Browser JavaScript Enabled = true; otherwise Optional.
Notice: Meanwhile exist the new color depths 30 and 36 bits, but these are not included within den EMVCo specifications and should not be used because they can cause rejections. Please send the next lowe value instead. Currently allowed are 1, 4, 8, 15, 16, 24, 32, 48 bits.
screenHeightintegerCTotal height of the Cardholder’s screen in pixels. Required when Browser JavaScript Enabled = true; otherwise Optional.
screenWidthintegerCTotal width of the cardholder’s screen in pixels. Required when Browser JavaScript Enabled = true; otherwise Optional.
timeZoneOffsetstringCTime-zone offset in minutes between UTC and the Cardholder browser local time. Required when Browser JavaScript Enabled = true; otherwise Optional. Note that the offset is positive if the local time zone is behind UTC and negative if it is ahead.
userAgentstringMExact content of the HTTP user-agent header.
Data elements



    "$schema": "",

    “$id”: “”,

    “title”: “browserInfo”,

    “description”: “Browser-Informationen”,

    “type”: “object”,

    “properties”: {

        “acceptHeaders”: {

            “type”: “string”,

            “maxLength”: 2048,

            “description”: “Exakter Inhalt der HTTP-Accept-Header aus dem Browser.”


        “ipAddress”: {

            “type”: “string”,

            “oneOf”: [{“format”: “ipv4”},{“format”: “ipv6”}],

            “description”: “IP-Adresse des Browsers wie von den HTTP-Headern zurückgegeben.”


        “javaEnabled”: {“type”: “boolean”},

        “javaScriptEnabled”: {“type”: “boolean”},

        “language”: {

            “type”: “string”,

            “minLength”: 1,

            “maxLength”: 8,

            “description”: “Werte stellen die Browser-Sprache dar gemäß IETF BCP47.”


        “colorDepth”: {

            “type”: “integer”,

            “enum”: [1, 4, 8, 15, 16, 24, 32, 48],

            “description”: “Der Wert gibt die Bit-Tiefe der Farbpalette für die Anzeige von Bildern in Bits pro Pixel an.”


        “screenHeight”: {

            “type”: “integer”,

            “minLength”: 1,

            “maxLength”: 6,

            “description”: “Gesamtbildschirmhöhe des Karteninhabers in Pixeln.”


        “screenWidth”: {

            “type”: “integer”,

            “minLength”: 1,

            “maxLength”: 6,

            “description”: “Gesamtbildschirmbreite des Karteninhabers in Pixeln.”


        “timeZoneOffset”: {

            “type”: “string”,

            “minLength”: 1,

            “maxLength”: 5,

            “description”: “Zeitzonenverschiebung in Minuten zwischen UTC und der lokalen Browserzeit des Karteninhabers.”


        “userAgent”: {

            “type”: “string”,

            “maxLength”: 2048,

            “description”: “Exakter Inhalt des HTTP user-agent Headers.”



    “if”: {

        “properties”: {

            “javaScriptEnabled”: {“enum”: [true]}



    “then”: {

        “required”: [“acceptHeaders”, “javaEnabled”, “javaScriptEnabled”, “colorDepth”, “screenHeight”, “screenWidth”, “timeZoneOffset”, “language”, “userAgent”]


    “else”: {

        “required”: [“acceptHeaders”, “ipAddress”, “javaScriptEnabled”, “language”, “userAgent”]


    “additionalProperties”: false




    "acceptHeaders": "text\/html,application\/xhtml+xml,application\/xml;q=0.9,image\/webp,image\/apng,*\/*;q=0.8",

    “ipAddress”: “2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334”,

    “javaEnabled”: false,

    “javaScriptEnabled”: true,

    “language”: “US”,

    “colorDepth”: 24,

    “screenHeight”: 723,

    “screenWidth”: 1536,

    “timeZoneOffset”: “300”,

    “userAgent”: “Mozilla\/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit\/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome\/70.0.3538.110 Safari\/537.36”
