
JSON object


The authenticationResponse object is part of the Authentication Notification sent from the 1cs Online Payment System to the merchant server. It is only applicable to Server-to-Server integrations.

Please note that all data elements listed below will be present in authenticationResponse but might hold an empty string based on the condition.

Data elements

threeDSServerTransIDstringMthe 1cs Online Payment System PayID in canonical format as specified in IETF RFC 4122.
acsChallengeMandatedbooleanMIndication of whether a challenge is required for the transaction to be authorised.
acsDecConIndbooleanCIndicates whether the ACS confirms utilisation of Decoupled Authentication and agrees to utilise Decoupled Authentication to authenticate the cardholder. Required if Transaction Status = D.
acsOperatorIDstringCDS assigned ACS identifier. Each DS can provide a unique ID to each ACS on an individual basis. Requirements for the presence of this field are DS specific.
acsReferenceNumberstringMUnique identifier assigned by the EMVCo Secretariat upon Testing and Approval.
acsRenderingTypeobjectCApp-based only. Identifies the ACS UI Template that the ACS will first present to the consumer. Required if Transaction Status = C.
acsSignedContentstringCApp-based only. Contains the JWS object (represented as a string) created by the ACS for the ARes message. Required if the Transaction Status = C.
acsTransIDstringMUniversally Unique transaction identifier assigned by the ACS to identify a single transaction.
acsURLstringCFully qualified URL of the ACS to be used to post the Challenge Request. For App-based, this data element is contained within the ACS Signed Content JWS Object. Required if Transaction Status = C.
authenticationTypestringCIndicates the type of authentication method the Issuer will use to challenge the cardholder. Required if the Transaction Status = C or D. Values accepted: · 01 = static · 02 = dynamic · 03 = oob Future implementation. Protocol Version 2.2.0 onwards – · 04 = decoupled
authenticationValuestringCPayment System-specific value provided by the ACS or the DS to provide proof of authentication. Required if Transaction Status = Y or A. Conditional based on DS rules if Transaction Status = I.
broadInfostringCUnstructured information sent between the 3DS Server, the DS and the ACS. Requirements for the presence of this field are DS specific.
cardholderInfostringCText provided by the ACS/Issuer to Cardholder during a Frictionless or Decoupled transaction. The Issuer can provide information to Cardholder. For example, “Additional authentication is needed for this transaction, please contact (Issuer Name) at xxx-xxx-xxxx.” Required if ACS Decoupled Confirmation Indicator = true Otherwise, Optional for the ACS.
dsReferenceNumberstringMEMVCo-assigned unique identifier to track approved DS.
dsTransIDstringMUniversally unique transaction identifier assigned by the DS to identify a single transaction.
ecistringMPayment System-specific value provided by the ACS or DS to indicate the results of the attempt to authenticate the Cardholder. The requirements for the presence of this field are DS specific.
messageExtensionstringCData necessary to support requirements not otherwise defined in the 3-D Secure message are carried in a Message Extension. Conditions to be set by each DS.
messageTypestringMIdentifies the type of message that is passed. Values accepted: · AReq · ARes · CReq · CRes · PReq · PRes · RReq · RRes
messageVersionstringMProtocol version identifier.
sdkTransIDstringCApp-based only. Universally unique transaction identifier assigned by the 3DS SDK to identify a single transaction.
transStatusstringMIndicates whether a transaction qualifies as an authenticated transaction. Values accepted: · Y = Authentication Verification Successful. · N = Not Authenticated /Account Not Verified; Transaction denied. · U = Authentication/ Account Verification Could Not Be Performed; Technical or other problem, as indicated in ARes or RReq. · A = Attempts Processing Performed; Not Authenticated/Verified, but a proof of attempted authentication/verification is provided. · C = Challenge Required; Additional authentication is required using the CReq/CRes. · D = Challenge Required; Decoupled Authentication confirmed. · R = Authentication/ Account Verification Rejected; Issuer is rejecting authentication/verification and request that authorisation not be attempted. · I = Informational Only; 3DS Requestor challenge preference acknowledged.
transStatusReasonstringCProvides information on why the Transaction Status field has the specified value. Required if the Transaction Status field = N, U, or R. Values accepted: · 01 = Card authentication failed · 02 = Unknown Device · 03 = Unsupported Device · 04 = Exceeds authentication frequency limit · 05 = Expired card · 06 = Invalid card number · 07 = Invalid transaction · 08 = No Card record · 09 = Security failure · 10 = Stolen card · 11 = Suspected fraud · 12 = Transaction not permitted to cardholder · 13 = Cardholder not enrolled in service · 14 = Transaction timed out at the ACS · 15 = Low confidence · 16 = Medium confidence · 17 = High confidence · 18 = Very High confidence · 19 = Exceeds ACS maximum challenges · 20 = Non-Payment transaction not supported · 21 = 3RI transaction not supported · 22 = ACS technical issue · 23 = Decoupled Authentication required by ACS but not requested by 3DS Requestor · 24 = 3DS Requestor Decoupled Max Expiry Time exceeded · 25 = Decoupled Authentication was provided insufficient time to authenticate cardholder. ACS will not make attempt · 26 = Authentication attempted but not performed by the cardholder · 80 = (Visa) Error connecting to ACS.
· 80 = (Mastercard) Returned on all Data Only authentications.
· 80 = (American Express)Safekey is not available for this type of card. · 81 = (Visa) ACS timed out.
· 81 = (Mastercard) Challenge exemption accepted.
· 82 = (Visa) Invalid response from ACS.
· 82 = (Mastercard) Challenge Mandate requested but could not be performed.
· 83 = (Visa) System Error response from ACS.
· 84= (Visa) VMID not eligible for requested program.
· 85 = (Visa) VMID not eligible for requested program.
· 86 = (Visa) Protocol version not supported by ACS.
· 87 = (Visa) Transaction is excluded from Attempts Processing (includes non- reloadable pre-paid cards and non-payments (NPA)).
· 88 = (Visa) Requested program not supported by ACS.
whiteListStatusstringCFuture use. Only supported with protocol version 2.2.0 onwards. Enables the communication of trusted beneficiary/whitelist status. Values accepted: · Y = 3DS Requestor is whitelisted by cardholder · N = 3DS Requestor is not whitelisted by cardholder · E = Not eligible as determined by issuer · P = Pending confirmation by cardholder · R = Cardholder rejected · U = Whitelist status unknown, unavailable, or does not apply
whiteListStatusSourcestringCFuture use. Only supported with protocol version 2.2.0 onwards. This data element will be populated by the system setting Whitelist Status. Values accepted: · 01 = 3DS Server · 02 = DS · 03 = ACS
challengeRequestobjectCChallenge request object in case the authentication response message indicates that further cardholder interaction is required to complete the authentication.
base64EncodedChallengeRequeststringCBase64-encoded Challenge Request object in case the authentication response message indicates that further cardholder interaction is required to complete the authentication.
threeDSCompIndstringMIndicates whether the 3DS Method successfully completed. · Y = Successfully completed · N = Did not successfully complete · U = Unavailable – 3DS Method URL was not present the card account number
Data elements



    “$schema”: “”,

        “$id”: “”,

   “title”: “authenticationResponse”,

    “description”: “Authentisierungs-Antwort”,

    “type”: “object”,

    “properties”: {

               “threeDSServerTransID”: {

                       “type”: “string”,

            “maxLength”: 36


        “acsChallengeMandated”: {

            “type”: “boolean”


        “acsDecConInd”: {

            “type”: “boolean”


               “acsOperatorID”: {

                       “type”: “string”,

                       “maxLength”: 32


               “acsReferenceNumber”: {

                       “type”: “string”,

                       “maxLength”: 32


        “acsRenderingType”: {

            “type”: “object”,

            “properties”: {

                “acsInterface”: {

                    “type”: “string”,

                    “enum”: [“native”, “html”, “”],

                                      “description”: “ACS-Schnittstelle, die dem Karteninhaber die Challenge zeigt.”


                “acsUiTemplate”: {

                    “type”: “string”,

                    “enum”: [“text”, “singleSelect”, “multiSelect”, “oob”, “other”,””],

                                      “description”: “Bestimmt das Format der UI-Vorlage, die ACS dem Kunden zuerst zeigt.”



            “required”: [“acsInterface”, “acsUiTemplate”],

            “additionalProperties”: false


        “acsSignedContent”: {

            “type”: “string”


               “acsTransID”: {

                       “type”: “string”,

                       “maxLength”: 36


        “acsURL”: {

            “type”: “string”,

            “maxLength”: 2048,

            “format”: “uri”


        “authenticationType”: {

            “type”: “string”,

            “enum”: [“static”, “dynamic”, “oob”, “decoupled”, “”]


        “authenticationValue”: {

            “type”: “string”,

            “maxLength”: 28


               “broadInfo”: {

                       “type”: “string”,

                       “maxLength”: 4096


        “cardholderInfo”: {

            “type”: “string”,

            “maxLength”: 128


               “dsReferenceNumber”: {

                       “type”: “string”,

                       “maxLength”: 32


               “dsTransID”: {

                       “type”: “string”,

                       “maxLength”: 36


        “eci”: {

            “type”: “string”,

            “maxLength”: 2


               “messageExtension”: {

                       “type”: “string”,

                       “maxLength”: 81920


               “messageType”: {

                       “type”: “string”,

                       “enum”: [“ARes”]


               “messageVersion”: {

                       “type”: “string”,

                       “minLength”: 5,

                       “maxLength”: 8


        “sdkTransID”: {

            “type”: “string”,

            “maxLength”: 36


        “transStatus”: {

            “type”: “string”,

            “enum”: [“Y”, “N”, “U”, “A”, “C”, “D”, “R”, “I”, “”]


        “transStatusReason”: {

            “type”: “string”,

            “enum”: [“01”, “02”, “03”, “04”, “05”, “06”, “07”, “08”, “09”, “10”, “11”, “12”, “13”, “14”, “15”, “16”, “17”, “18”, “19”, “20”, “21”, “22”, “23”, “24”, “25”, “26”, “”]


        “whiteListStatus”: {

            “type”: “string”,

            “enum”: [“Y”, “N”, “E”, “P”, “R”, “U”, “”]


               “whiteListStatusSource”: {

                       “type”: “string”,

                       “enum”: [“01”, “02”, “03”, “”]


               “challengeRequest”: {

                       “type”: “object”,

                       “properties”: {

                               “threeDSServerTransID”: {

                                      “type”: “string”,

                                      “maxLength”: 36


                               “acsTransID”: {

                                      “type”: “string”,

                                      “maxLength”: 36


                               “challengeWindowSize”: {

                                      “type”: “string”,

                                      “enum”: [“01”, “02”, “03”, “04”, “05”]


                               “messageVersion”: {

                                      “type”: “string”,

                                      “minLength”: 5,

                                      “maxLength”: 8


                               “messageType”: {

                                      “type”: “string”,

                                      “enum”: [“CReq”]



                       “required”: [“threeDSServerTransID”, “acsTransID”, “challengeWindowSize”, “messageVersion”, “messageType”],

                       “additionalProperties”: false


               “base64EncodedChallengeRequest”: {

                       “type”: “string”


        “threeDSCompInd”: {

            “type”: “string”,

            “enum”: [“Y”, “N”, “U”, “”]



    “required”: [




























    “additionalProperties”: false




        “threeDSServerTransID”: “d9cf63f3-98ba-4e82-aa39-ca90c68f5262”,

        “acsChallengeMandated”: true,

        “acsDecConInd”: false,

        “acsOperatorID”: “visaOperatorId”,

        “acsReferenceNumber”: “3DS_LOA_ACS_NEAG_020100_00055”,

        “acsRenderingType”: {

               “acsInterface”: “”,

               “acsUiTemplate”: “”


        “acsSignedContent”: “”,

        “acsTransID”: “fa15dced-02b7-4469-9a79-225786a02ae1”,

        “acsURL”: “”,

        “authenticationType”: “”,

        “authenticationValue”: “”,

        “broadInfo”: “”,

        “cardholderInfo”: “”,

        “dsReferenceNumber”: “VISA.V 17 0003”,

        “dsTransID”: “a9645de6-52ba-4f79-abaa-f3050b9a5300”,

        “eci”: “”,

        “messageExtension”: “”,

        “messageType”: “ARes”,

        “messageVersion”: “2.1.0”,

        “sdkTransID”: “”,

        “transStatus”: “C”,

        “transStatusReason”: “”,

        “whiteListStatus”: “”,

        “whiteListStatusSource”: “”,

        “challengeRequest”: {

               “threeDSServerTransID”: “d9cf63f3-98ba-4e82-aa39-ca90c68f5262”,

               “acsTransID”: “fa15dced-02b7-4469-9a79-225786a02ae1”,

               “challengeWindowSize”: “03”,

               “messageVersion”: “2.1.0”,

               “messageType”: “CReq”


        “base64EncodedChallengeRequest”: “eyJtZXNzYWdlVHlwZSI6IkNSZXEiLCJ0aHJlZURTU2VydmVyVHJhbnNJRCI6ImQ5Y2Y2M2YzLTk4YmEtNGU4Mi1hYTM5LWNhOTBjNjhmNTI2MiIsImFjc1RyYW5zSUQiOiJmYTE1ZGNlZC0wMmI3LTQ0NjktOWE3OS0yMjU3ODZhMDJhZTEiLCJjaGFsbGVuZ2VXaW5kb3dTaXplIjoiMDMiLCJtZXNzYWdlVmVyc2lvbiI6IjIuMS4wIn0=”,

        “threeDSCompInd”: “”
