
i Please note that the data within all JSON objects is encoded using UTF-8 and then must be also Base64 encoded. This applies in particular to special characters such as “Umlaute” and diactrics.

Data elements

citystringCCity. Required unless market or regional mandate restricts sending this information. For shipping details this data element might not be available (e.g. digital goods). Will become mandatory for VISA on 2024-02-12.
countryobjectCAlpha-3 country code according to ISO 3166-1:2013. Required unless market or regional mandate restricts sending this information. For shipping details this data element might not be available (e.g. digital goods). Will become mandatory for VISA on 2024-02-12.
addressLine1objectCFirst line of the street address. Required unless market or regional mandate restricts sending this information. For shipping details this data element might not be available (e.g. digital goods). Will become mandatory for VISA on 2024-02-12.
addressLine2stringCSecond line of the street address (e.g. apartment, suite, floor, PO Box, etc.). Required unless market or regional mandate restricts sending this information. For shipping details this data element might not be available (e.g. digital goods).
addressLine3stringCThird line of the street address. Required unless market or regional mandate restricts sending this information. For shipping details this data element might not be available (e.g. digital goods).
postalCodestringCZIP or other postal code. Required unless market or regional mandate restricts sending this information. For shipping details this data element might not be available (e.g. digital goods). Will become mandatory for VISA on 2024-02-12.
statestringCAlpha-2 code of state or province according to ISO 3166-2. Required unless market or regional mandate restricts sending this information, or State is not applicable for this country. For shipping details this data element might not be available (e.g. digital goods). Will become mandatory for VISA on 2024-02-12.
Please do not use this parameter within the EU.
Data elements


1streetstring(..50)MStreet name
2streetNumberstringCStreet or house number



    “$schema”: “”,

    “$id”: “”,

    “title”: “address”,

    “description”: “Adresse”,

    “type”: “object”,

    “properties”: {

        “city”: {

            “type”: “string”


        “country”: {

            “type”: “object”,

            “properties”: {

                “countryName”: {

                    “type”: “string”,

                    “description”: “Name des Landes.”


                “countryA2”: {

                    “type”: “string”,

                    “description”: “ISO-3166 Alpha-2 Code.”


                “countryA3”: {

                    “type”: “string”,

                    “description”: “ISO 3166-1:2013 Alpha-3”


                “countryNumber”: {

                    “type”: “string”,

                    “description”: “ISO-3166 numerischer Code.”



            “required”: [“countryA3”],

            “additionalProperties”: false


        “addressLine1”: {

            “type”: “object”,

            “properties”: {

                “street”: {

                    “type”: “string”


                “streetNumber”: {

                    “type”: “string”



            “required”: [“street”],

            “additionalProperties”: false


        “addressLine2”: {

            “type”: “string”


        “addressLine3”: {

            “type”: “string”


        “postalCode”: {

            “type”: “string”


        “state”: {

            “type”: “string”,

            “minLength”: 2,

            “maxLength”: 2,

            “description”: “Alpha-2 Code des Bundesstaates oder der Provinz gemäß ISO 3166-2:2013, sofern zutreffend”



    “required”: [“country”, “addressLine1”, “postalCode”],

    “additionalProperties”: false




    “city”: “New York”,

    “country”: {

        “countryA3”: “USA”


    “addressLine1”: {

        “street”: “Park Avenue”,

        “streetNumber”: “270”


    “postalCode”: “10017-2070”,

    “state”: “NY”
