1 About Klarna Payments

1.1 General information about Klarna Payments


The 1cs OPS can handle purchase on account and financing from Klarna. Merchants benefit from a payment guarantee and short payment due dates. As third possibility Klarna integrated the payment with Sofort transfer and secured direct debit.Mixed payment methods

Klarna offers three different payment methods in the new Klarna KP API via The First Cash Solution: Invoice and installment purchase (Pay Later & Pay over time) and Sofort + secured direct debit (Pay Now). For this, you only need to transfer all billing data to the service provider during the order process. The service provider then takes care of the entire invoicing process and downstream accounts receivable management. As a merchant, you get a payment guarantee; no matter which payment method your customer chooses. This gives your customers financial flexibility with Klarna, because they themselves can flexibly choose between invoice purchase or installment purchase. With installment purchase, you can also determine the amount of the installments and repayment dates yourself. They can also use the invoice solution for their B2B trade.

Installment purchase in the online store motivates your customers to order high-value baskets of goods. This also increases your turnover. Klarna grants an online approval for the installment purchase within seconds during the order process. A PostIdent procedure is not necessary. Klarna pays out the invoice amount to the merchant at short notice and bears the default risk itself. As a merchant, you benefit from quickly available liquidity.

All three payment methods are, with restrictions of the secured direct debit, available in the following countries in the respective local currency: Denmark (DKK), Germany (EUR), Finland (EUR), UK (GBP), Netherlands (EUR), Norway (NOK), Austria (EUR), Sweden (SEK) and USA (USD).

Further information can be found on Klarna’s website (https://www.klarna.de).
Klarna Payments distinguishes between a direct connection and the Klarna Hosted Payment Page (HPP).

hinweis Notice about Capture

Please note that the capture (capture.aspx) has to be done manually in order to process the payment and to initiate the money flow.

1.2 Process flow chart direct connection

Process flow Klarna Payments direct connection

1.3 Process flow chart HPP

With direct connection, a separate JavaScript widget is included for each payment method. Whereas with the HPP, a complete checkout page will be displayed where all or some selected payment methods are displayed. Widgets as well as the HPP are loaded from a Klarna server.

2 1cs Online Payment System interface

2.1 Definitions

2.1.1 Data formats

asalphabetical with special characters
ansalphanumeric with special characters
nsnumeric with special characters
boolboolean expression (true or false)
3fixed length with 3 digits/characters
..3variable length with maximum 3 digits/characters
enumenumeration of allowed values
dttmISODateTime (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss)

2.1.2 Abbreviations

MmandatoryIf a parameter is mandatory, then it must be present
OoptionalIf a parameter is optional, then it can be present, but it is not required
CconditionalIf a parameter is conditional, then there is a conditional rule which specifies whether it is mandatory or optional

Notice: Please note that the names of parameters can be returned in upper or lower case.

2.2 Create Klarna Session for direct connection

Before Klarna widgets can be loaded a Klarna session must be created which returns an AccessToken. This AccessToken has to be used for loading the widgets. In order to start a Klarna session via server-to-server communication, please go to the following URL:


Notice: For security reasons, the 1cs Online Payment System rejects all payment requests with formatting errors. Therefore, please use the correct data type for each parameter.

The following table describes the encrypted payment request parameters:

MerchantIDans..30MMerchantID, assigned by First Cash Solution. Additionally, this parameter must be passed in plain text too.
TransIDans..64MTransactionID provided by you which should be unique for each payment
RefNrns..30OMerchants unique reference number Only ASCII characters are allowed. Special characters such as (“umlauts”, …) are not permitted and may have to be replaced by ASCII characters (e.g. ü → ue, é → e, …).
Amountn..10MAmount in the smallest currency unit (e.g. EUR Cent). Please contact the 1cs support, if you want to capture amounts <100 (smallest currency unit).
TaxAmountn..10MGross amount of value added tax in the smallest currency unit (e.g. EUR Cent). The amount may not be negative. Notice: The VAT included is calculated for 19% with the formula =gross prices / 1.19 * 0.19. Please contact the 1cs support, if you want to capture amounts < 100 (smallest currency unit).
Currencya3MCurrency, three digits DIN / ISO 4217, e.g. EUR, USD, GBP. Please find an overview here: A1 Currency table EN
bdCountryCodea2MCountry code for the invoicing address, 2 characters according to ISO 3166-1. Allowed are Germany <DE>, Austria <AT>, Netherlands <NL>, Denmark <DK>, Sweden <SE>, Norway <NO>, Finland <FI>, Great Britain <GB>, USA <US>, Switzerland (CH), Australia (AU), Belgium <BE>, Spain (ES), Italy <IT> and Poland <PL>
bdFirstNameans..30CFirst name, Optional – if submitted, all parameters bdFirstName, bdLastName, bdEmail, bdStreet, bdZip, bdCity must be submitted. Cannot be only numbers, must be more than 1 character. Allowed special characters: -‘’.
bdLastNameans..30CLast name, Optional – if submitted, all parameters bdFirstName, bdLastName, bdEmail, bdStreet, bdZip, bdCity must be submitted. Cannot be only numbers, must be more than 1 character. Allowed special characters: -‘’.
bdEmailans..80CEmail address, Optional – if submitted, all parameters bdFirstName, bdLastName, bdEmail, bdStreet, bdZip, bdCity must be submitted. Cannot be only numbers, must be more than 1 character. Allowed special characters: -‘’.
bdCompanyans..200CCompany name, mandatory for B2B, must be the same as sdCompany.
bdtitleans..20OTitle of customer or contact person, e.g. Dr. pr Prof.
bdStreeta..32MStreet and street number, Optional – if submitted, all parameters bdFirstName, bdLastName, bdEmail, bdStreet, bdZip, bdCity must be submitted. Allowed special characters: -‘´`”,.:;#&/()+@ °ºᵃª_ \
bdZipn..5MPostal code, Optional – if submitted, all parameters bdFirstName, bdLastName, bdEmail, bdStreet, bdZip, bdCity must be submitted.
bdCitya..32MTown/city, Optional – if submitted, all parameters bdFirstName, bdLastName, bdEmail, bdStreet, bdZip, bdCity must be submitted.
bdAddressAdditionans..60OAdditional/supplementary address line.
sdCountryCodea2OCountry code for the delivery address, 2 characters according to ISO 3166-1. Allowed are Germany <DE>, Austria <AT>, Netherlands <NL>, Denmark <DK>, Sweden <SE>, Norway <NO>, Finland <FI>, Great Britain <GB>, USA <US>, Switzerland (CH), Australia (AU), Belgium <BE>, Spain (ES), Italy <IT>, Ireland <IE> and Poland <PL>
sdFirstNameans..30OFirst name. Optional – if submitted, all parameters sdFirstName, sdLastName, sdEmail, sdStreet, sdZip, sdCity must be submitted.
sdLastNameans..30OLast name. Optional – if submitted, all parameters sdFirstName, sdLastName, sdEmail, sdStreet, sdZip, sdCity must be submitted.
sdEmailans..80OEmail address. Optional – if submitted, all parameters sdFirstName, sdLastName, sdEmail, sdStreet, sdZip, sdCity must be submitted. Must include @ and domain
Company name, mandatory for B2B, must be the same as bdCompany.
sdTitleans..20OTitle of customer or contact person, e.g. Dr. or Prof.
sdStreeta..32OStreet and street number. Optional – if submitted, all parameters sdFirstName, sdLastName, sdEmail, sdStreet, sdZip, sdCity must be submitted.
sdZipn..5OPostal code. Optional – if submitted, all parameters sdFirstName, sdLastName, sdEmail, sdStreet, sdZip, sdCity must be submitted.
sdCitya..32OTown/city. Optional – if submitted, all parameters sdFirstName, sdLastName, sdEmail, sdStreet, sdZip, sdCity must be submitted.
sdAddressAdditionans..60OAdditional/supplementary address line
Languagea2MLanguage for displaying the widgets: DE – German, DK – Danish, FI – Finnish, SE – Swedish, NO – Norwegian, NL – Dutsch, FR – French, IT – Italian, EN – English, ES – Spanish, CA – Catalan, PL – Polish
MACan64MHash Message Authentication Code (HMAC) with SHA-256 algorithm. Details can be found here: HMAC Authentication (Request) HMAC Authentication (Notify)
IPAddrans..15OIP address of the client in the format IPv4 or IPv6
Accountans..12MWithin Paygate several Klarna user names can be stored on one MerchantID and controlled by the parameter Account. By default, please use the value “0”, if you have several Klarna accounts, the values must be agreed with First Cash Solution support.
ArticleListans..2048MComplete article list of the order. This parameter must be created in JSON format.   The individual parameters in JSON format are following: name = Product name (mandatory) quantity = item quantity. The value may not be negative. (mandatory) unit_price = unit price inclusive taxes but without rebates. (mandatory) total_amount = total amount of iarticles inclusive taxes and rebates. (mandatory) image_url = URL for an image that can be embedded later in agreement with Klarna. (max. 1024 characters) merchant_data = “pass-through parameter” (max. 255 characters). Merchant must agree with Klarna what will be transmitted here. product_identifiers.brand = product brand product_identifiers.category_path = path of product category. As separator ‘>’ has to be used. product_identifiers.global_trade_item_number = article number (e.g. EAN, ISBN or UPC). product_identifiers.manufacturer_part_number = manufacturer’s number product_url = URL to product image quantity_unit = unit of quantity (e.g. kg) reference = article number (e.g. SKU) tax_rate = tax rate as percentage (e.g. 25%). The value may not be negative. total_discount_amount = total amount of rebate. The value may not be negative. total_tax_amount = total amount of taxes. The value may be negative, if type is ‘discount’. type = type of item position. Possible entries are <physical>, <discount>, <shipping_fee>, <sales_tax>, <digital>, <gift_card>, <store_credit>, <surcharge> Example: Afterwards the article list created in JSON format must be Base64 encoded.
EnhancedDataans..2048OAdditional customer and order information for Klarna risk management. Merchant must agree with Klarna which data will be transmitted here. This parameter must be created in JSON format. Example: Afterwards the additional information created in JSON format must be Base64 encoded.
Layoutans..2048OLayout parameters for Klarna widgets. This parameter must be created in JSON format. Example: Afterwards the layout parameters created in JSON format must be Base64 encoded.
URLConfirmans..256MFinal URL for order confirmation to which Klarna forwards the customer after the order is successfully created within the Klarna system
URLNotifyans..256OComplete URL which the 1cs Online Payment System calls up in order to notify the shop about the payment result. The URL may be called up only via port 443 It may not contain parameters: Use the UserData parameter instead. Processing of PENDING transactions must be activated at First Cash Solution as well as Klarna. URLNotify can also be stored with First Cash Solution.
PayTypeenumMCustomer selected Klarna payment method. Possible entries are Pay immediately (pay_now, direct_debit and direct_bank_transfer), Pay later (pay_later) and Pay in installments (pay_over_time).
Personal details of customer
DateOfBirthdttmODate of birth in the format YYYY-MM-DD
Gendera..15OGender <female> for female, <male> for male
SocialSecurityNumbera..5OPrivate individuals: The last four or five digits of the social security number. Not in DE, AT and NL. Obligatory field in SE, FI, DK with 4-digit value (NNNN). Obligatory field in NO with 5-digit value (NNNNN).
PersonIDans..15ONational identity number. Is necessary for example for a visa to entry the USA. For that purpose the serial number on the upper right side of the iodentity card may be used.
CompanyIDans..15OFor companies: Register of Companies number only relevant but not mandatory for B2B.
CompanyOrPersona2OIndication whether it is e company or a person. <C> for companies, <P> for persons Please note that Klarna does not allow B2B transactions by default. Please contact Klarna if you also want to use the payment method for B2B transactions.
VatIDans..15OVAT identification number, only relevant but not mandatory for B2B.

Parameters for creating a session with Klarna Payments

The following table describes the result parameters that the 1cs online payment system returns as a response:

hinweis be prepared to receive additional parameters at any time and do not check the order of parameters

hinweis the parameters (e.g. MerchantId, RefNr) should not be checked case-sentive

MIDans..30MMerchantID, assigned by First Cash Solution
PayIDan32MID assigned by the 1cs Online Payment System for the payment, e.g. for referencing in batch files.
XIDan32MID for all single transactions (authorisation, capture, credit note) for one payment assigned by the 1cs Online Payment System
TransIDans..64MTransactionID provided by you which should be unique for each payment
RefNrns..30OMerchant’s unique reference number
Statusa..50MAUTHORIZE_REQUEST (URLSuccess) and FAILED (URLFailure)
Descriptionans..1024MFurther details in the event that payment is rejected. Please do not use the Description but the Code parameter for the transaction status analysis!
Coden1..8MError code according to the 1cs Online Payment System Response Codes (Error Codes) Code “0”: Please make now the authorisation via Klarna widget within the frontend.
CodeExtans..50OError code from Klarna, if agreed with First Cash Solution support
ErrorTextans..1024OError text from Klarna, if agreed with First Cash Solution support
AccessTokenans..2048OClient token from Klarna. In order to be able to subsequently show the Klarna widgets, the Klarna JavaScript-API must be initialized with this token.
PayTypeenumOCustomer selected Klarna payment method. Possible entries are Pay immediately (pay_now, direct_debit and direct_bank_transfer), Pay later (pay_later) and Pay in installments (pay_over_time). The returned value determines which widgets are allowed to be loaded.

Response parameters for creating a session with Klarna Payments

2.3 Show Klarna widgets

Klarna uses widgets in order to show customers the possible payment methods. The available payment methods for selecting depend on the previously selected category (see Create Klarna Session, PayType). The widget integration is done with the AccessToken (see Create Klarna Session, AccessToken) and the Klarna JavaScript SDK. How to integrate and initialise the Klarna JavaScript SDK and how to load the widgets is described on Klarna webpage:


After successful authorisation you wil get an authorisation token (TokenExt) which has to be used for creating an order.

2.4 Create Klarna session for the HPP

In order to process a payment via Klarna HPP, please use the following URL:


Notice: For security reasons, the 1cs Online Payment System rejects all payment requests with formatting errors. Therefore, please use the correct data type for each parameter.

The following table describes the encrypted payment request parameters:

MerchantIDans..30MMerchantID, assigned by First Cash Solution. Additionally, this parameter must be passed in plain text too.
TransIDans..64MTransactionID which should be unique for each payment
RefNrns..30OMerchant’s unique reference number Only ASCII characters are allowed. Special characters such as (“umlauts”, …) are not permitted and may have to be replaced by ASCII characters (e.g. ü → ue, é → e, …).
Amountn..10MAmount in the smallest currency unit (e.g. EUR Cent). Please contact the 1cs support, if you want to capture amounts <100 (smallest currency unit).
TaxAmountn..10MGross amount of value added tax in the smallest currency unit (e.g. EUR Cent). The amount may not be negative. Notice: The VAT included is calculated for 19% with the formula =gross prices / 1.19 * 0.19. Please contact the helpdesk, if you want to capture amounts < 100 (smallest currency unit).
Currencya3MCurrency, three digits DIN / ISO 4217, e.g. EUR, USD, GBP. Please find an overview here: A1 Currency table EN
RTFa1OFor repeat payments (subscriptions): I = Initial payment of a new subscription, R = Routine payment (Recurring). Due to the call of the HPP is always an initial payment of a subscription the value I must be transferred.
bdCountryCodea2MCountry code for the invoicing address, 2 characters according to ISO 3166-1. Allowed are Germany <DE>, Austria <AT>, Netherlands <NL>, Denmark <DK>, Sweden <SE>, Norway <NO>, Finland <FI>, Great Britain <GB>, USA <US>, Switzerland (CH), Australia (AU), Belgium <BE>, Spain (ES), Italy <IT>, Ireland <IE> and Poland <PL> <PT> Portugal, <FR> France and <CA> Canada.
bdFirstNameans..30MFirst name, Optional – if submitted, all parameters bdFirstName, bdLastName, bdEmail, bdStreet, bdZip, bdCity must be submitted. Cannot be only numbers, must be more than 1 character. Allowed special characters: -‘’.
bdLastNameans..30MLast name, Optional – if submitted, all parameters bdFirstName, bdLastName, bdEmail, bdStreet, bdZip, bdCity must be submitted. Cannot be only numbers, must be more than 1 character. Allowed special characters: -‘’.
bdEmailans..80MEmail address, Optional – if submitted, all parameters bdFirstName, bdLastName, bdEmail, bdStreet, bdZip, bdCity must be submitted. Must include @ and domain.
bdCompanyans..200OCompany name, mandatory for B2B, must be the same as sdCompany.
bdTitleans..20OTitle of customer or contact person, e.g. Dr. or Prof.
bdStreeta..32MStreet and street number, Optional – if submitted, all parameters bdFirstName, bdLastName, bdEmail, bdStreet, bdZip, bdCity must be submitted. Allowed special characters: -‘´`”,.:;#&/()+@ °ºᵃª_ \
bdZipn..5MPostal code. Optional – if submitted, all parameters  bdFirstName, bdLastName, bdEmail, bdStreet, bdZip, bdCity must be submitted
bdCitya..32MTown/city. Optional – if submitted, all parameters  bdFirstName, bdLastName, bdEmail, bdStreet, bdZip, bdCity must be submitted
bdAdressAdditionans..60OAdditional/supplementary address line
sdCountryCodea2OCountry code for the delivery address, 2 characters according to ISO 3166-1. Allowed are Germany <DE>, Austria <AT>, Netherlands <NL>, Denmark <DK>, Sweden <SE>, Norway <NO>, Finland <FI>, Great Britain <GB>, USA <US>, Switzerland (CH), Australia (AU), Belgium <BE>, Spain (ES), Italy <IT> and Poland <PL>
sdFirstNameans..30CFirst name. Optional – if submitted, all parameters sdFirstName, sdLastName, sdEmail, sdStreet, sdZip, sdCity must be submitted. Cannot be only numbers, must be more than 1 character. Allowed special characters: -‘’.
sdLastNameans..30CLast name. Optional – if submitted, all parameters sdFirstName, sdLastName, sdEmail, sdStreet, sdZip, sdCity must be submitted. Cannot be only numbers, must be more than 1 character. Allowed special characters: -‘’.
sdEmailans..80CE-mail address. Optional – if submitted, all parameters sdFirstName, sdLastName, sdEmail, sdStreet, sdZip, sdCity must be submitted. Must include @ and domain.
sdCompanyans..200OCompany name, mandatory for B2B, must be the same as bdCompany.
sdTitleans..20OTitle of customer or contact person, e.g. Dr. or Prof.
sdStreeta..32CStreet name and street number. Optional – if submitted, all parameters sdFirstName, sdLastName, sdEmail, sdStreet, sdZip, sdCity must be submitted. Allowed special characters: -‘´`”,.:;#&/()+@ °ºᵃª_ \
sdZipn..5CPostcode. Optional – if submitted, all parameters sdFirstName, sdLastName, sdEmail, sdStreet, sdZip, sdCity must be submitted.
sdCitya..32CCity. Optional – if submitted, all parameters sdFirstName, sdLastName, sdEmail, sdStreet, sdZip, sdCity must be submitted.
sdAddressAdditionans..60OAdditional/supplementary address line
Languagea2MLanguage for displaying the HPP: DE – German, DK – Danish, FI – Finnish, SE – Swedish, NO – Norwegian, NL – Dutsch, FR – French, IT – Italian, EN – English, ES – Spanish, CA – Catalan, PL – Polish
MACan64MHash Message Authentication Code (HMAC) with SHA-256 algorithm. Details can be found here: HMAC Authentication (Request) HMAC Authentication (Notify)
IPAddrans..15OIP address of the client in the format IPv4 or IPv6
Accountans..12MWithin 1cs OBS several Klarna user names can be stored on one MerchantID and controlled by the parameter Account. By default, please use the value “0”, if you have several Klarna accounts, the values must be agreed with First Cash Solution support.
ArticleListans..2048MComplete article list of the order. This parameter must be created in JSON format.   The individual parameters in JSON format are following: name = Product name (mandatory) quantity = item quantity. The value may not be negative. (mandatory) unit_price = unit price inclusive taxes but without rebates. (mandatory) total_amount = total amount of iarticles inclusive taxes and rebates. (mandatory) image_url = URL for an image that can be embedded later in agreement with Klarna. (max. 1024 characters) merchant_data = “pass-through parameter” (max. 255 characters). Merchant must agree with Klarna what will be transmitted here. product_identifiers.brand = product brand product_identifiers.category_path = path of product category. As separator ‘>’ has to be used. product_identifiers.global_trade_item_number = article number (e.g. EAN, ISBN or UPC). product_identifiers.manufacturer_part_number = manufacturer’s number product_url = URL to product image quantity_unit = unit of quantity (e.g. kg) reference = article number (e.g. SKU) tax_rate = tax rate as percentage (e.g. 25%). The value may not be negative. total_discount_amount = total amount of rebate. The value may not be negative. total_tax_amount = total amount of taxes. The value may be negative, if type is ‘discount’. type = type of item position. Possible entries are <physical>, <discount>, <shipping_fee>, <sales_tax>, <digital>, <gift_card>, <store_credit>, <surcharge> Example: Afterwards the article list created in JSON format must be Base64 encoded.
EnhancedDataans..2048OAdditional customer and order information for Klarna risk management. Merchant must agree with Klarna which data will be transmitted here. This parameter must be created in JSON format. Example: Afterwards the additional information created in JSON format must be Base64 encoded.
Layoutans..2048OLayout parameters for the HPP. This parameter must be created in JSON format. Example:
{     “options”: {         “color_border”: “#FF9900”,         “color_border_selected”: “#FF9900”,         “color_button”: “#FF9900”,         “color_button_text”: “#FF9900”,         “color_checkbox”: “#FF9900”,         “color_checkbox_checkmark”: “#FF9900”,         “color_details”: “#FF9900”,         “color_header”: “#FF9900”,         “color_link”: “#FF9900”,         “color_text”: “#FF9900”,         “color_text_secondary”: “#FF9900”,         “radius_border”: “5px”     } } Afterwards the layout parameters created in JSON format must be Base64 encoded.
Orderans..6OActivates the automatic order creation. If this parameter is used an explicit order creation is not necessary. If a BillingAgreementID for recurring payments should be created, also the parameter RTF=I must be submitted. Only possible value: AUTO If you would like to use the automatic order processing direct through Paygate (request parameter does not have to be sent), please contact the 1cs support directly and our team will store the required setting directly at your account.
URLConfirmans..256MFinal URL for order confirmation to which Klarna forwards the customer after the order is successfully created within the Klarna system
URLSuccessans..256MComplete URL which calls up the 1cs Online Payment System if payment has been successful. The URL may be called up only via port 443 This URL may not contain parameters: In order to exchange values between the 1cs Online Payment System and shop, please use the parameter UserData. Common Notes: We recommend to use parameter “response=encrypted” to get an encrypted response by Paygate However, fraudster may just copy the encrypted DATA-element which are sent to URLFailure and send the DATA to URLSuccess. Therefore ensure to check the “code”-value which indicates success/failure of the action. Only a result of “code=00000000” should be considered successful.
URLFailureans..256MComplete URL which calls up the 1cs Online Payment System if payment has been unsuccessful. The URL may be called up only via port 443 This URL may not contain parameters: In order to exchange values between the 1cs Online Payment System and shop, please use the parameter UserData. Common Notes: We recommend to use parameter “response=encrypted” to get an encrypted response by Paygate However, fraudster may just copy the encrypted DATA-element which are sent to URLFailure and send the DATA to URLSuccess. Therefore ensure to check the “code”-value which indicates success/failure of the action. Only a result of “code=00000000” should be considered successful.
Responsea7OStatus response sent by the 1cs Online Payment System to URLSuccess and URLFailure, should be encrypted. For this purpose, transmit Response=encrypt parameter.
URLNotifyans..256OComplete URL which the 1cs Online Payment System calls up in order to notify the shop when a PENDING transaction was finalised. The URL may be called up only via port 443 It may not contain parameters: Use the UserData parameter instead. Processing of PENDING transactions must be activated at First Cash Solution as well as Klarna. URLNotify can also be stored with First Cash Solution.
Personal details of customer
DateOfBirthdttmODate of birth in the format YYYY-MM-DD
Gendera..15OGender <female> for female, <male> for male
SocialSecurityNumbera..5OPrivate individuals: The last four or five digits of the social security number. Not in DE, AT and NL. Obligatory field in SE, FI, DK with 4-digit value (NNNN). Obligatory field in NO with 5-digit value (NNNNN).
PersonIDans..15ONational identity number. Is necessary for example for a visa to entry the USA. For that purpose the serial number on the upper right side of the iodentity card may be used.
CompanyIDans..15OFor companies: Register of Companies number
CompanyOrPersona2OIndication whether it is e company or a person. <C> for companies, <P> for persons Please note that Klarna does not allow B2B transactions by default. Please contact Klarna if you also want to use the payment method for B2B transactions.
VatIDans..15OVAT identification number, only relevant but not mandatory for B2B.

Parameters for calling the Klarna HPP

The following table describes the result parameters that the 1cs Online Payment System transmits to your URLSuccess, URLFailure or URLNotify. If you have specified the Response=encrypt parameter, the following parameters are forwarded Blowfish encrypted to your system:


– pls. be prepared to receive additional parameters at any time and do not check the order of parameters

– the key (e.g. MerchantId, RefNr) should not be checked case-sentive

MIDans..30MMerchantID, assigned by First Cash Solution
PayIDan32MID assigned by the 1cs Online Payment System for the payment, e.g. for referencing in batch files as well as for capture or credit request.
XIDan32MID for all single transactions (authorisation, capture, credit note) for one payment assigned by the 1cs Online Payment System
TransIDans..64MTransactionID provided by you which should be unique for each payment
RefNrns..30OMerchant’s unique reference number Only ASCII characters are allowed. Special characters such as (“umlauts”, …) are not permitted and may have to be replaced by ASCII characters (e.g. ü → ue, é → e, …).
MACan64MHash Message Authentication Code (HMAC) with SHA-256 algorithm. Details can be found here: HMAC Authentication (Request) HMAC Authentication (Notify)
Statusa..50MOK (URLSuccess) or FAILED (URLFailure)
Descriptionans..1024MFurther details in the event that payment is rejected. Please do not use the Description but the Code parameter for the transaction status analysis!
Coden8MError code according to the 1cs Online Payment System Response Codes (Error Codes)  Code “0”: Please make now the authorisation via Klarna widget within the frontend.
CodeExtans..50OError code from Klarna, if agreed with First Cash Solution support
ErrorTextans..1024OError text from Klarna, if agreed with First Cash Solution support
TokenExtans..36MAuthorisation token which is needed for creating an order

Result parameters for URLNotify, URLSuccess and URLFailure

2.5 Create order with Klarna

In order to create the order within Klarna system via a server-to-server connection, please use the following URL:


If this is an initial order if a recurring order (RTF=I), then only the billing address can be submitted, not the delivery adress.

If the address data differs from the address data transferred from the JavaScript widget during authorization, the order will be rejected.

Notice: For security reasons, the 1cs Online Payment System rejects all payment requests with formatting errors. Therefore, please use the correct data type for each parameter.

The following table describes the encrypted payment request parameters:

MerchantIDans..30MMerchantID, assigned by First Cash Solution. Additionally, this parameter must be passed in plain text too.
PayIDan32MID assigned by the 1cs Online Payment System for the payment, e.g. for referencing in batch files as well as for capture or credit request.
TransIDans..64MTransactionID provided by you which should be unique for each payment
RefNrns..30OMerchant’s unique reference number Only ASCII characters are allowed. Special characters such as (“umlauts”, …) are not permitted and may have to be replaced by ASCII characters (e.g. ü → ue, é → e, …).
Amountn..10MAmount in the smallest currency unit (e.g. EUR Cent). Please contact the 1cs support, if you want to capture amounts <100 (smallest currency unit).
TaxAmountn..10MGross amount of value added tax in the smallest currency unit (e.g. EUR Cent). The amount may not be negative. Notice: The VAT included is calculated for 19% with the formula =gross prices / 1.19 * 0.19. Please contact the 1cs support, if you want to capture amounts < 100 (smallest currency unit).
Currencya3MCurrency, three digits DIN / ISO 4217, e.g. EUR, USD, GBP. Please find an overview here: A1 Currency table EN
TokenExtans..36MAuthorisation token which is returned from Klarna within JavaScript Authorize-Call. Please note, the authorization token from the previous step is valid for 60 minutes. If you attempt to place an order with this after that time has passed, it will be rejected by Klarna.
EventTokenenumMDefines which Klarna API-Call request will be initiated. For creating a Klarna order the value CNO must be transferred.
RTFa1OFor repeat payments (subscriptions): I = Initial payment of a new subscription, R = Routine payment (Recurring). If this is an initial payment of a subscription the value I must be transferred.
RequestReasona..20OIntended usage of „Consumer Token“. Possible value is SUBSCRIPTION.
Noteans..50ODescription for the purpose of token (e.g. Abo)
ArticleListans..2048MComplete article list of the order. This parameter must be created in JSON format.   The individual parameters in JSON format are following: name = Product name (mandatory) quantity = item quantity. The value may not be negative. (mandatory) unit_price = unit price inclusive taxes but without rebates. (mandatory) total_amount = total amount of iarticles inclusive taxes and rebates. (mandatory) image_url = URL for an image that can be embedded later in agreement with Klarna. (max. 1024 characters) merchant_data = “pass-through parameter” (max. 255 characters). Merchant must agree with Klarna what will be transmitted here. product_identifiers.brand = product brand product_identifiers.category_path = path of product category. As separator ‘>’ has to be used. product_identifiers.global_trade_item_number = article number (e.g. EAN, ISBN or UPC). product_identifiers.manufacturer_part_number = manufacturer’s number product_url = URL to product image quantity_unit = unit of quantity (e.g. kg) reference = article number (e.g. SKU) tax_rate = tax rate as percentage (e.g. 25%). The value may not be negative. total_discount_amount = total amount of rebate. The value may not be negative. total_tax_amount = total amount of taxes. The value may be negative, if type is ‘discount’. type = type of item position. Possible entries are <physical>, <discount>, <shipping_fee>, <sales_tax>, <digital>, <gift_card>, <store_credit>, <surcharge> Example: Afterwards the article list created in JSON format must be Base64 encoded.
Layoutans..2048OLayout parameters for the HPP. This parameter must be created in JSON format. Example:
{     “options”: {         “color_border”: “#FF9900”,         “color_border_selected”: “#FF9900”,         “color_button”: “#FF9900”,         “color_button_text”: “#FF9900”,         “color_checkbox”: “#FF9900”,         “color_checkbox_checkmark”: “#FF9900”,         “color_details”: “#FF9900”,         “color_header”: “#FF9900”,         “color_link”: “#FF9900”,         “color_text”: “#FF9900”,         “color_text_secondary”: “#FF9900”,         “radius_border”: “5px”     } } Afterwards the layout parameters created in JSON format must be Base64 encoded.
bdCountryCodea2MCountry code for the invoicing address, 2 characters according to ISO 3166-1. Allowed are Germany <DE>, Austria <AT>, Netherlands <NL>, Denmark <DK>, Sweden <SE>, Norway <NO>, Finland <FI>, Great Britain <GB>, USA <US>, Switzerland (CH), Australia (AU), Belgium <BE>, Spain (ES), Italy <IT> and Poland <PL>
bdFirstNameans..30CFirst name, Optional – if submitted, all parameters bdFirstName, bdLastName, bdEmail, bdStreet, bdZip, bdCity must be submitted. Cannot be only numbers, must be more than 1 character. Allowed special characters: -‘’.
bdLastNameans..30CLast name, Optional – if submitted, all parameters bdFirstName, bdLastName, bdEmail, bdStreet, bdZip, bdCity must be submitted. Cannot be only numbers, must be more than 1 character. Allowed special characters: -‘’.
bdEmailans..80CEmail address, Optional – if submitted, all parameters bdFirstName, bdLastName, bdEmail, bdStreet, bdZip, bdCity must be submitted. Cannot be only numbers, must be more than 1 character. Allowed special characters: -‘’.
bdCompanyans..200CCompany name, mandatory for B2B, must be the same as sdCompany.
bdtitleans..20OTitle of customer or contact person, e.g. Dr. pr Prof.
bdStreeta..32MStreet and street number, Optional – if submitted, all parameters bdFirstName, bdLastName, bdEmail, bdStreet, bdZip, bdCity must be submitted. Allowed special characters: -‘´`”,.:;#&/()+@ °ºᵃª_ \
bdZipn..5MPostal code, Optional – if submitted, all parameters bdFirstName, bdLastName, bdEmail, bdStreet, bdZip, bdCity must be submitted.
bdCitya..32MTown/city, Optional – if submitted, all parameters bdFirstName, bdLastName, bdEmail, bdStreet, bdZip, bdCity must be submitted.
bdAddressAdditionans..60OAdditional/supplementary address line.
sdCountryCodea2OCountry code for the delivery address, 2 characters according to ISO 3166-1. Allowed are Germany <DE>, Austria <AT>, Netherlands <NL>, Denmark <DK>, Sweden <SE>, Norway <NO>, Finland <FI>, Great Britain <GB>, USA <US>, Switzerland (CH), Australia (AU), Belgium <BE>, Spain (ES), Italy <IT>, Ireland <IE> and Poland <PL>
sdFirstNameans..30OFirst name. Optional – if submitted, all parameters sdFirstName, sdLastName, sdEmail, sdStreet, sdZip, sdCity must be submitted.
sdLastNameans..30OLast name. Optional – if submitted, all parameters sdFirstName, sdLastName, sdEmail, sdStreet, sdZip, sdCity must be submitted.
sdEmailans..80OEmail address. Optional – if submitted, all parameters sdFirstName, sdLastName, sdEmail, sdStreet, sdZip, sdCity must be submitted. Must include @ and domain.
Company name, mandatory for B2B, must be the same as bdCompany.
sdTitleans..20OTitle of customer or contact person, e.g. Dr. or Prof.
sdStreeta..32OStreet and street number. Optional – if submitted, all parameters sdFirstName, sdLastName, sdEmail, sdStreet, sdZip, sdCity must be submitted.
sdZipn..5OPostal code. Optional – if submitted, all parameters sdFirstName, sdLastName, sdEmail, sdStreet, sdZip, sdCity must be submitted.
sdCitya..32OTown/city. Optional – if submitted, all parameters sdFirstName, sdLastName, sdEmail, sdStreet, sdZip, sdCity must be submitted.
sdAddressAdditionans..60OAdditional/supplementary address line

Parameters for creating an order with Klarna

The following table describes the result parameters with which the 1cs Online Payment System responds to your system:


– pls. be prepared to receive additional parameters at any time and do not check the order of parameters

– the key (e.g. MerchantId, RefNr) should not be checked case-sentive

MIDans..30MMerchantID, assigned by First Cash Solution
PayIDan32MID assigned by the 1cs Online Payment System for the payment, e.g. for referencing in batch files as well as for capture or credit request.
XIDan32MID for all single transactions (authorisation, capture, credit note) for one payment assigned by the 1cs Online Payment System
TransIDans..64MTransactionID provided by you which should be unique for each payment
RefNrns..30MMerchant’s unique reference number Only ASCII characters are allowed. Special characters such as (“umlauts”, …) are not permitted and may have to be replaced by ASCII characters (e.g. ü → ue, é → e, …).
Statusa..50MOK (URLSuccess) or FAILED (URLFailure)
Descriptionans..1024MFurther details in the event that payment is rejected. Please do not use the Description but the Code parameter for the transaction status analysis!
Coden8MError code according to the 1cs Online Payment System Response Codes (Error codes)
TransactionIDan12OReference number from Klarna system
BillingAgreementIDans..50OToken-ID (Consumer Token) from Klarna which must be additionally transferred for recurring payments. The value is returned only if request was made with RTF=I.
RedirectURLans..256OThe customer must be forwarded to this URL so that Klarna can place a Cookie. The customer remains unaware of this process.
CodeExtans..50OError code from Klarna, if agreed with First Cash Solution support
ErrorTextans..1024OError text from Klarna, if agreed with First Cash Solution support

Response parameters for creating an order with Klarna

2.6 Create recurring order (Abo) with Klarna

In order to create a recurring order (e.g. Abo) with Klarna, please use the following URL:


Notice: For security reasons, the 1cs Online Payment System rejects all payment requests with formatting errors. Therefore, please use the correct data type for each parameter.

The following table describes the encrypted payment request parameters:

MerchantIDans..30MMerchantID, assigned by First Cash Solution. Additionally, this parameter has to be passed in plain text too.
TransIDans..64MTransactionID provided by you which should be unique for each payment
RefNrans..30OMerchant’s unique reference number Only ASCII characters are allowed. Special characters such as (“umlauts”, …) are not permitted and may have to be replaced by ASCII characters (e.g. ü → ue, é → e, …).
Amountn..10MTotal amount of the order in the smallest currency unit including taxes and all rebates (e.g. EUR Cent). The amount may not be negative. Please contact the helpdesk, if you want to capture amounts < 100 (smallest currency unit).
TaxAmountn..10MGross amount of value added tax in the smallest currency unit (e.g. EUR Cent). The amount may not be negative. Notice: The VAT included is calculated for 19% with the formula =gross prices / 1.19 * 0.19. Please contact the 1cs support, if you want to capture amounts < 100 (smallest currency unit).
Currencya3MCurrency, three characters DIN / ISO 4217, e.g. EUR, USD, GBP Please find an overview here: A1 Currency table EN
MACan64MHash Message Authentication Code (HMAC) with SHA-256 algorithm. Details can be found here: HMAC Authentication (Request) HMAC Authentication (Notify)
EventTokenenumMDefines which Klarna API-Call request will be initiated. For creating a Klarna order the value CNO must be transferred.
BillingAgreementIDans..50MToken-ID (Consumer Token) from Klarna which must be additionally transferred for recurring payments.
RTFa1MFor repeat payments (subscriptions): I = Initial payment of a new subscription, R = Routine payment (Recurring). For this request the value R must be transferred.
Accountans..12MWith First Cash Solution it is possible to store details for several Klarna accounts (username and password). Account allows you to control which account data to use. The value of this parameter must be agreed with First Cash Solution support.
ArticleListans..2048MComplete article list of the order. This parameter must be created in JSON format.   The individual parameters in JSON format are following: name = Product name (mandatory) quantity = item quantity. The value may not be negative. (mandatory) unit_price = unit price inclusive taxes but without rebates. (mandatory) total_amount = total amount of iarticles inclusive taxes and rebates. (mandatory) image_url = URL for an image that can be embedded later in agreement with Klarna. (max. 1024 characters) merchant_data = “pass-through parameter” (max. 255 characters). Merchant must agree with Klarna what will be transmitted here. product_identifiers.brand = product brand product_identifiers.category_path = path of product category. As separator ‘>’ has to be used. product_identifiers.global_trade_item_number = article number (e.g. EAN, ISBN or UPC). product_identifiers.manufacturer_part_number = manufacturer’s number product_url = URL to product image quantity_unit = unit of quantity (e.g. kg) reference = article number (e.g. SKU) tax_rate = tax rate as percentage (e.g. 25%). The value may not be negative. total_discount_amount = total amount of rebate. The value may not be negative. total_tax_amount = total amount of taxes. The value may be negative, if type is ‘discount’. type = type of item position. Possible entries are <physical>, <discount>, <shipping_fee>, <sales_tax>, <digital>, <gift_card>, <store_credit>, <surcharge> Example: Afterwards the article list created in JSON format must be Base64 encoded.

Parameters for a recurring order (Abo) with Klarna Payments

The following table describes the result parameters with which the 1cs Online Payment System responds to your system:


– pls. be prepared to receive additional parameters at any time and do not check the order of parameters

– the key (e.g. MerchantId, RefNr) should not be checked case-sentive

MIDans..30MMerchantID, assigned by First Cash Solution
PayIDan32MID assigned by the 1cs Online Payment System for the payment, e.g. for referencing in batch files as well as for capture or credit request.
XIDan32MID for all single transactions (authorisation, capture, credit note) for one payment assigned by the 1cs Online Payment System
TransIDans..64MTransactionID provided by you which should be unique for each payment
RefNrans..30OMerchant’s unique reference number Only ASCII characters are allowed. Special characters such as (“umlauts”, …) are not permitted and may have to be replaced by ASCII characters (e.g. ü → ue, é → e, …).
Statusa..50MOK (URLSuccess) or FAILED (URLFailure)
Descriptionans..1024MFurther details in the event that payment is rejected. Please do not use the Description but the Code parameter for the transaction status analysis!
Coden8MError code according to the 1cs Online Payment System Response Codes Excel file
TransactionIDan12OReference number from Klarna system
CodeExtans..50OError code from Klarna, if agreed with First Cash Solution support
ErrorTextans..1024OError text from Klarna, if agreed with First Cash Solution support

Response parameters for a recurring order (Abo) with Klarna Payments

2.7 Modify invoice and delivery address

Invoice and delivery information was transferred within Klarna widget. As long as no capture is made invoice and/or delivery address can be modified subsequently. For this purpose please use the following URL:


Notice: For security reasons, the 1cs Online Payment System rejects all payment requests with formatting errors. Therefore, please use the correct data type for each parameter.

The following table describes the encrypted payment request parameters:

MerchantIDans..30MMerchantID, assigned by First Cash Solution. Additionally, this parameter must be passed in plain text too.
PayIDan32MID assigned by the 1cs Online Payment System for the payment, e.g. for referencing in batch files as well as for capture or credit request.
MACan64MHash Message Authentication Code (HMAC) with SHA-256 algorithm. Details can be found here: HMAC Authentication (Request) HMAC Authentication (Notify)
EventTokenenumMDefines which Klarna API-Call request will be initiated. For updating invoice and/or delivery address the value UCA must be transferred.
Invoicing address
bdFirstNameans..30OFirst name Cannot be only numbers, must be more than 1 character. Allowed special characters: -‘’.
bdLastNameans..30OLast name Cannot be only numbers, must be more than 1 character. Allowed special characters: -‘’.
bdCompanyans..50OCompany. Only for B2B relevant, must be the same as sbCompany.
bdStreeta..32OStreet name and street number Allowed special characters: -‘´`”,.:;#&/()+@ °ºᵃª_ \
bdAddressAdditionans..50OAddress line 2
bdCountryCodea2OCountry code for the invoicing address, 2 characters according to ISO 3166-1. Allowed are Germany <DE>, Austria <AT>, Netherlands <NL>, Denmark <DK>, Sweden <SE>, Norway <NO>, Finland <FI>, Great Britain <GB>, USA <US>, Switzerland (CH), Australia (AU), Belgium <BE>, Spain (ES), Italy <IT>, Ireland <IE> and Poland <PL>
bdEmailans..80OE-mail address Must include @ and domain
bdPhonen..20OPhone number or mobile phone number
Delivery address
sdFirstNameans..30OFirst name  Cannot be only numbers, must be more than 1 character. Allowed special characters: -‘’.
sdLastNameans..30OLast name  Cannot be only numbers, must be more than 1 character. Allowed special characters: -‘’.
sdCompanyans..50OCompany. Only for B2B relevant, must be the same as bdCompany
sdStreeta..32OStreet name and street number  Allowed special characters: -‘´`”,.:;#&/()+@ °ºᵃª_ \
sdAddressAdditionans..50OAddress line 2
sdCountryCodea2OCountry code for the delivery address, 2 characters according to ISO 3166-1. Allowed are Germany <DE>, Austria <AT>, Netherlands <NL>, Denmark <DK>, Sweden <SE>, Norway <NO>, Finland <FI>, Great Britain <GB>, USA <US>, Switzerland (CH), Australia (AU), Belgium <BE>, Spain (ES), Italy <IT>, Ireland <IE> and Poland <PL>
sdEmailans..80OE-mail address Must include @ and domain.
sdPhonen..20OPhone number or mobile phone number

Parameters for address modification with Klarna Payments

The following table describes the result parameters with which the 1cs Online Payment System responds to your system:


– pls. be prepared to receive additional parameters at any time and do not check the order of parameters

– the key (e.g. MerchantId, RefNr) should not be checked case-sentive

MIDans..30MMerchantID, assigned by First Cash Solution
PayIDan32MID assigned by the 1cs Online Payment System for the payment, e.g. for referencing in batch files as well as for capture or credit request.
XIDan32MID for all single transactions (authorisation, capture, credit note) for one payment assigned by the 1cs Online Payment System
TransIDans..64MTransactionID provided by you which should be unique for each payment
RefNrans..30OMerchant’s unique reference number Only ASCII characters are allowed. Special characters such as (“umlauts”, …) are not permitted and may have to be replaced by ASCII characters (e.g. ü → ue, é → e, …).
Statusa..50MOK (URLSuccess) or FAILED (URLFailure)
Descriptionans..1024MFurther details in the event that payment is rejected. Please do not use the Description but the Code parameter for the transaction status analysis!
Coden8MError code according to the 1cs Online Payment System Response Codes (Error Codes)
CodeExtans..50OError code from Klarna, if agreed with First Cash Solution support
ErrorTextans..1024OError text from Klarna, if agreed with First Cash Solution support

Response parameters for address modification with Klarna Payments

2.8 Modify unique reference number

As long as no capture is made the unique reference number which already was sent along within parameter RefNr for creating the Klarna session can be modified subsequently. For this purpose please use the following URL:


Notice: For security reasons, the 1cs Online Payment System rejects all payment requests with formatting errors. Therefore, please use the correct data type for each parameter.

The following table describes the encrypted payment request parameters:

MerchantIDans..30MMerchantID, assigned by First Cash Solution. Additionally, this parameter must be passed in plain text too.
PayIDan32MID assigned by the 1cs Online Payment System for the payment, e.g. for referencing in batch files as well as for capture or credit request.
EventTokenenumMDefines which Klarna API-Call request will be initiated. For updating the unique reference number the value UMR must be transferred.
RefNrns..30MMerchant’s unique reference number Only ASCII characters are allowed. Special characters such as (“umlauts”, …) are not permitted and may have to be replaced by ASCII characters (e.g. ü → ue, é → e, …).
MACan64MHash Message Authentication Code (HMAC) with SHA-256 algorithm. Details can be found here: HMAC Authentication (Request) HMAC Authentication (Notify)

Parameters for modification of reference number with Klarna Payments

The following table describes the result parameters with which the 1cs Online Payment System responds to your system:


– pls. be prepared to receive additional parameters at any time and do not check the order of parameters

– the key (e.g. MerchantId, RefNr) should not be checked case-sentive

MIDans..30MMerchantID, assigned by First Cash Solution
PayIDan32MID assigned by the 1cs Online Payment System for the payment, e.g. for referencing in batch files as well as for capture or credit request.
XIDan32MID for all single transactions (authorisation, capture, credit note) for one payment assigned by the 1cs Online Payment System
TransIDans..64MTransactionID provided by you which should be unique for each payment
RefNrans..30OMerchant’s unique reference number Only ASCII characters are allowed. Special characters such as (“umlauts”, …) are not permitted and may have to be replaced by ASCII characters (e.g. ü → ue, é → e, …).
Statusa..50MOK (URLSuccess) or FAILED (URLFailure)
Descriptionans..1024MFurther details in the event that payment is rejected. Please do not use the Description but the Code parameter for the transaction status analysis!
Coden8MError code according to the 1cs Online Payment System Response Codes (Error Codes)
CodeExtans..50OError code from Klarna, if agreed with First Cash Solution support
ErrorTextans..1024OError text from Klarna, if agreed with First Cash Solution support

Response parameters for modification of reference number with Klarna Payments

2.9 Modify order amount and article list

As long as no capture is made the order amount as well as the whole article list can be modified subsequently. For this purpose please use the following URL:


Notice: For security reasons, the 1cs Online Payment System rejects all payment requests with formatting errors. Therefore, please use the correct data type for each parameter.

The following table describes the encrypted payment request parameters:

MerchantIDans..30MMerchantID, assigned by First Cash Solution. Additionally, this parameter must be passed in plain text too.
PayIDan32MID assigned by the 1cs Online Payment System for the payment, e.g. for referencing in batch files as well as for capture or credit request.
TransIDans..64MTransactionID provided by you which should be unique for each payment
RefNrans..30OMerchant’s unique reference number Only ASCII characters are allowed. Special characters such as (“umlauts”, …) are not permitted and may have to be replaced by ASCII characters (e.g. ü → ue, é → e, …).
Amountn..10MNew total amount in the smallest currency unit (e.g. EUR Cent) The amount may not be negative. Please contact the helpdesk, if you want to capture amounts < 100 (smallest currency unit). Notice: The new amount may not be higher than the amount transferred within the initial request.
Currencya3MCurrency, three digits DIN / ISO 4217, e.g. EUR, USD, GBP. Please find an overview here: A1 Currency table EN
MACan64MHash Message Authentication Code (HMAC) with SHA-256 algorithm. Details can be found here: HMAC Authentication (Request) HMAC Authentication (Notify)
EventTokenenumMDefines which Klarna API-Call request will be initiated. For modifying of order amount and article list the value UEO must be transferred.
ArticleListans..2048MNew article list of the order. This parameter must be created in JSON format.   The individual parameters in JSON format are following: name = Product name (mandatory) quantity = item quantity. The value may not be negative. (mandatory) unit_price = unit price inclusive taxes but without rebates. (mandatory) total_amount = total amount of iarticles inclusive taxes and rebates. (mandatory) image_url = URL for an image that can be embedded later in agreement with Klarna. (max. 1024 characters) merchant_data = “pass-through parameter” (max. 255 characters). Merchant must agree with Klarna what will be transmitted here. product_identifiers.brand = product brand product_identifiers.category_path = path of product category. As separator ‘>’ has to be used. product_identifiers.global_trade_item_number = article number (e.g. EAN, ISBN or UPC). product_identifiers.manufacturer_part_number = manufacturer’s number product_url = URL to product image quantity_unit = unit of quantity (e.g. kg) reference = article number (e.g. SKU) tax_rate = tax rate as percentage (e.g. 25%). The value may not be negative. total_discount_amount = total amount of rebate. The value may not be negative. total_tax_amount = total amount of taxes. The value may be negative, if type is ‘discount’. type = type of item position. Possible entries are <physical>, <discount>, <shipping_fee>, <sales_tax>, <digital>, <gift_card>, <store_credit>, <surcharge> Example: Afterwards the article list created in JSON format must be Base64 encoded.

Parameters for modifying order amount and article list with Klarna Payments

The following table describes the result parameters with which the 1cs Online Payment System responds to your system:


–  pls. be prepared to receive additional parameters at any time and do not check the order of parameters

– the key (e.g. MerchantId, RefNr) should not be checked case-sentive

MIDans..30MMerchantID, assigned by First Cash Solution
PayIDan32MID assigned by the 1cs Online Payment System for the payment, e.g. for referencing in batch files as well as for capture or credit request.
XIDan32MID for all single transactions (authorisation, capture, credit note) for one payment assigned by the 1cs Online Payment System
TransIDans..64MTransactionID provided by you which should be unique for each payment
RefNrans..30OMerchant’s unique reference number Only ASCII characters are allowed. Special characters such as (“umlauts”, …) are not permitted and may have to be replaced by ASCII characters (e.g. ü → ue, é → e, …).
Statusa..50MOK (URLSuccess) or FAILED (URLFailure)
Descriptionans..1024MFurther details in the event that payment is rejected. Please do not use the Description but the Code parameter for the transaction status analysis!
Coden8MError code according to the 1cs Online Payment System Response Codes Excel file
CodeExtans..50OError code from Klarna, if agreed with First Cash Solution support
ErrorTextans..1024OError text from Klarna, if agreed with First Cash Solution support

Response parameters for modification of order amount and article list with Klarna Payments

2.10 Capture

Captures are possible via a Server-to-Server connection. To carry out a complete or partial capture for Klarna Payments via a Server-to-Server connection please use the following URL:


Notice: For security reasons, the 1cs Online Payment System rejects all payment requests with formatting errors. Therefore, please use the correct data type for each parameter.

The following table describes the encrypted payment request parameters:

MerchantIDans..30MMerchantID, assigned by First Cash Solution. Additionally, this parameter must be passed in plain text too.
PayIDan32MID assigned by the 1cs Online Payment System for the payment, e.g. for referencing in batch files as well as for capture or credit request.
TransIDans..64MTransactionID provided by you which should be unique for each payment
Amountn..10MAmount to be captured in the smallest currency unit including taxes and rebates (e.g. EUR Cent). Please contact the helpdesk, if you want to capture amounts < 100 (smallest currency unit). Notice: It depends on the amount whether a full or partial capture is made.
Currencya..3MCurrency, three characters DIN / ISO 4217, permitted are: AUD, CHF, DKK, EUR, GBP, NOK, SEK, USD. Please find an overview here: A1 Currency table EN
RefNrns..30OMerchant’s unique reference number Only ASCII characters are allowed. Special characters such as (“umlauts”, …) are not permitted and may have to be replaced by ASCII characters (e.g. ü → ue, é → e, …).
MACan64MHash Message Authentication Code (HMAC) with SHA-256 algorithm. Details can be found here: HMAC Authentication (Request) HMAC Authentication (Notify)
ReqIDans..32OTo avoid double payments / actions, enter an alphanumeric value which identifies your transaction and may be assigned only once. If the transaction / action is submitted again with the same ReqID, 1cs OPS will not carry out the payment or new action, but will just return the status of the original transaction / action. Please note that the 1cs OPS must have a finalized transaction status for the first initial action. Submissions with identical ReqID for an open status will be processed regularly.
ShippingDataans..2048ODelivery information (e.g. tracking data). This parameter must be created in JSON format. {     “shipping_info”: [         {             “shipping_company”: “DHL US”,             “shipping_method”: “Home”,             “tracking_number”: “63456415674545679074”,             “tracking_url”: “http://shipping.example/findmypackage?63456415674545679074“,             “return_shipping_company”: “DHL US”,             “return_tracking_number”: “93456415674545679000”,             “return_tracking_url”: “http://shipping.example/findmypackage?93456415674545679000”         }     ] } Afterwards the delivery information created in JSON format must be Base64 encoded.
ArticleListans..2048OComplete article list of the order. This parameter must be created in JSON format.   The individual parameters in JSON format are following: name = Product name (mandatory) quantity = item quantity. The value may not be negative. (mandatory) unit_price = unit price inclusive taxes but without rebates. (mandatory) total_amount = total amount of iarticles inclusive taxes and rebates. (mandatory) image_url = URL for an image that can be embedded later in agreement with Klarna. (max. 1024 characters) merchant_data = “pass-through parameter” (max. 255 characters). Merchant must agree with Klarna what will be transmitted here. product_identifiers.brand = product brand product_identifiers.category_path = path of product category. As separator ‘>’ has to be used. product_identifiers.global_trade_item_number = article number (e.g. EAN, ISBN or UPC). product_identifiers.manufacturer_part_number = manufacturer’s number product_url = URL to product image quantity_unit = unit of quantity (e.g. kg) reference = article number (e.g. SKU) tax_rate = tax rate as percentage (e.g. 25%). The value may not be negative. total_discount_amount = total amount of rebate. The value may not be negative. total_tax_amount = total amount of taxes. The value may be negative, if type is ‘discount’. type = type of item position. Possible entries are <physical>, <discount>, <shipping_fee>, <sales_tax>, <digital>, <gift_card>, <store_credit>, <surcharge> Example: Afterwards the article list created in JSON format must be Base64 encoded.
CompleteTypea3OWith this parameter during a partial capture it is possible to reverse the remaining amount simultaneously. Possible value <YES>

Parameters for captures with Klarna Payments

The following table describes the result parameters with which the 1cs Online Payment System responds to your system:


– pls. be prepared to receive additional parameters at any time and do not check the order of parameters

– the key (e.g. MerchantId, RefNr) should not be checked case-sentive

MIDans..30MMerchantID, assigned by First Cash Solution
PayIDan32MID assigned by the 1cs Online Payment System for the payment, e.g. for referencing in batch files as well as for capture or credit request.
XIDan32MID for all single transactions (authorisation, capture, credit note) for one payment assigned by the 1cs Online Payment System
TransIDans..64MTransactionID provided by you which should be unique for each payment
RefNrns..30OMerchant’s unique reference number Only ASCII characters are allowed. Special characters such as (“umlauts”, …) are not permitted and may have to be replaced by ASCII characters (e.g. ü → ue, é → e, …).
Statusa..50MOK (URLSuccess) or FAILED (URLFailure)
Descriptionans..1024MFurther details in the event that payment is rejected. Please do not use the Description but the Code parameter for the transaction status analysis!
Coden8MError code according to the 1cs Online Payment System Response Codes Excel file
InvoiceNrans..30MInvoice/booking number from Klarna. This number is needed for example for resending the E-Mail with payment and order information.
CodeExtans..50OError code from Klarna, if agreed with First Cash Solution support
ErrorTextans..1024OError text from Klarna, if agreed with First Cash Solution support

Response parameters for captures with Klarna Payments

2.11 Resending an activated invoice

It may happen that a customer hasn’t received the E-Mail with payment and order information. This request is possible only if a capture was already made. For resending this E-Mail, please use the following URL:


Notice: For security reasons, the 1cs Online Payment System rejects all payment requests with formatting errors. Therefore, please use the correct data type for each parameter.

The following table describes the encrypted payment request parameters:

MerchantIDans..30MMerchantID, assigned by First Cash Solution. Additionally, this parameter must be passed in plain text too.
PayIDan32MID assigned by the 1cs Online Payment System for the payment, e.g. for referencing in batch files as well as for capture or credit request.
MACan64MHash Message Authentication Code (HMAC) with SHA-256 algorithm. Details can be found here: HMAC Authentication (Request) HMAC Authentication (Notify)
EventTokenenumMDefines which Klarna API-Call request will be initiated. For resending the E-Mail the value RCC must be transferred.
InvoiceNrans..30MInvoice/booking number from Klarna which is returned for all captures within response parameter InvoiceNr

Parameters for resending an activated invoice with Klarna Payments

The following table describes the result parameters with which the 1cs Online Payment System responds to your system:


– pls. be prepared to receive additional parameters at any time and do not check the order of parameters

– the key (e.g. MerchantId, RefNr) should not be checked case-sentive

MIDans..30MMerchantID, assigned by First Cash Solution
PayIDan32MID assigned by the 1cs Online Payment System for the payment, e.g. for referencing in batch files as well as for capture or credit request.
XIDan32MID for all single transactions (authorisation, capture, credit note) for one payment assigned by the 1cs Online Payment System
TransIDans..64MTransactionID provided by you which should be unique for each payment
RefNrans..30OMerchant’s unique reference number Only ASCII characters are allowed. Special characters such as (“umlauts”, …) are not permitted and may have to be replaced by ASCII characters (e.g. ü → ue, é → e, …).
Statusa..50MOK (URL Success) or FAILED (URLFailure)
Descriptionans..1024MFurther details in the event that payment is rejected. Please do not use the Description but the Code parameter for the transaction status analysis!
Coden8MError code according to the 1cs Online Payment System Response Codes (Error Codes)
CodeExtans..50OError code from Klarna, if agreed with First Cash Solution support
ErrorTextans..1024OError text from Klarna, if agreed with First Cash Solution support

2.12 Cred

it with reference and partial credit

Credits (refunds) are possible via a Server-to-Server connection. To carry out a partal or full credit with a reference transaction, please use the following URL:


Notice: For security reasons, the 1cs Online Payment System rejects all payment requests with formatting errors. Therefore, please use the correct data type for each parameter.

The following table describes the encrypted payment request parameters:

MerchantIDans..30MMerchantID, assigned by First Cash Solution. Additionally, this parameter must be passed in plain text too.
PayIDan32MID assigned by the 1cs Online Payment System for the payment, e.g. for referencing in batch files as well as for capture or credit request.
TransIDans..64MTransactionID provided by you which should be unique for each payment
Amountn..10MTotal amount to be credited in the smallest currency unit including taxes and rebates (e.g. EUR Cent). Please contact the helpdesk, if you want to capture amounts < 100 (smallest currency unit). Notice: It depends on the amount whether a full or partial credit is made.
Currencya..3MCurrency, three characters DIN / ISO 4217, permitted are: AUD, CHF, DKK, EUR, GBP, NOK, SEK, USD. Please find an overview here: A1 Currency table EN
RefNrns..30OMerchant’s unique reference number Only ASCII characters are allowed. Special characters such as (“umlauts”, …) are not permitted and may have to be replaced by ASCII characters (e.g. ü → ue, é → e, …).
ReqIDans..32OTo avoid double payments / actions, enter an alphanumeric value which identifies your transaction and may be assigned only once. If the transaction / action is submitted again with the same ReqID, 1cs OPS will not carry out the payment or new action, but will just return the status of the original transaction / action. Please note that the 1cs OPS must have a finalized transaction status for the first initial action. Submissions with identical ReqID for an open status will be processed regularly.
ArticleListans..2048MComplete article list of returned articles. This parameter must be created in JSON format.   The individual parameters in JSON format are following: name = Product name (mandatory) quantity = item quantity. The value may not be negative. (mandatory) unit_price = unit price inclusive taxes but without rebates. (mandatory) total_amount = total amount of iarticles inclusive taxes and rebates. (mandatory) image_url = URL for an image that can be embedded later in agreement with Klarna. (max. 1024 characters) merchant_data = “pass-through parameter” (max. 255 characters). Merchant must agree with Klarna what will be transmitted here. product_identifiers.brand = product brand product_identifiers.category_path = path of product category. As separator ‘>’ has to be used. product_identifiers.global_trade_item_number = article number (e.g. EAN, ISBN or UPC). product_identifiers.manufacturer_part_number = manufacturer’s number product_url = URL to product image quantity_unit = unit of quantity (e.g. kg) reference = article number (e.g. SKU) tax_rate = tax rate as percentage (e.g. 25%). The value may not be negative. total_discount_amount = total amount of rebate. The value may not be negative. total_tax_amount = total amount of taxes. The value may be negative, if type is ‘discount’. type = type of item position. Possible entries are <physical>, <discount>, <shipping_fee>, <sales_tax>, <digital>, <gift_card>, <store_credit>, <surcharge> Example: Afterwards the article list created in JSON format must be Base64 encoded.
MACan64MHash Message Authentication Code (HMAC) with SHA-256 algorithm. Details can be found here: HMAC Authentication (Request) HMAC Authentication (Notify)

Parameters for credits of payments with Klarna Payments

The following table describes the result parameters with which the 1cs Online Payment System responds to your system:


– pls. be prepared to receive additional parameters at any time and do not check the order of parameters

– the key (e.g. MerchantId, RefNr) should not be checked case-sentive

MIDans..30MMerchantID, assigned by First Cash Solution
PayIDan32MID assigned by the 1cs Online Payment System for the payment, e.g. for referencing in batch files as well as for capture or credit request.
XIDan32MID for all single transactions (authorisation, capture, credit note) for one payment assigned by the 1cs Online Payment System
TransIDans..64MTransactionID provided by you which should be unique for each payment
RefNrns..30OMerchant’s unique reference number Only ASCII characters are allowed. Special characters such as (“umlauts”, …) are not permitted and may have to be replaced by ASCII characters (e.g. ü → ue, é → e, …).
Statusa..50MOK (URLSuccess) or FAILED (URLFailure)
Descriptionans..1024MFurther details in the event that payment is rejected. Please do not use the Description but the Code parameter for the transaction status analysis!
Coden8MError code according to the 1cs Online Payment System Response Codes (Error Codes)
InvoiceNrans..30MNumber of invoice/credit note from Klarna Payments
CodeExtans..50OError code from Klarna, if agreed with First Cash Solution support
ErrorTextans..1024OError text from Klarna, if agreed with First Cash Solution support

Response parameters for credits of payments with Klarna Payments

2.13 Reversal

Reversals are possible via a Server-to-Server connection. With this request merchants can reverse the total authorisation amount in case of no capture was made or can reverse the remaining authorisation amount if a partial capture was already made. For this purpose please use the following URL:

https://www.First Cash Solution-paygate.com/reverse.aspx

Notice: For security reasons, the 1cs Online Payment System rejects all payment requests with formatting errors. Therefore, please use the correct data type for each parameter.

The following table describes the encrypted payment request parameters:

MerchantIDans..30MMerchantID, assigned by First Cash Solution. Additionally, this parameter must be passed in plain text too.
PayIDan32MID assigned by the 1cs Online Payment System for the payment, e.g. for referencing in batch files as well as for capture or credit request.
TransIDans..64MTransactionID provided by you which should be unique for each payment
Amountn..10MAmount to be reversed in the smallest currency unit including taxes and rebates (e.g. EUR Cent). Please contact the 1cs support, if you want to capture amounts < 100 (smallest currency unit). Notice: If no capture was made the amount must equals the previously authorised amount. If a partial capture already was made the amount must equals the remaining authorised amount. A reversal for an already completely captured order will be refused with an error also if an amount 0 is used.
Currencya..3MCurrency, three characters DIN / ISO 4217, permitted are: AUD, CHF, DKK, EUR, GBP, NOK, SEK, USD. Please find an overview here: A1 Currency table EN
RefNrans..30OMerchant’s unique reference number Only ASCII characters are allowed. Special characters such as (“umlauts”, …) are not permitted and may have to be replaced by ASCII characters (e.g. ü → ue, é → e, …).
ReqIDans..32OTo avoid double payments / actions, enter an alphanumeric value which identifies your transaction and may be assigned only once. If the transaction / action is submitted again with the same ReqID, 1cs OPS will not carry out the payment or new action, but will just return the status of the original transaction / action. Please note that the 1cs OPS must have a finalized transaction status for the first initial action. Submissions with identical ReqID for an open status will be processed regularly.
MACan64MHash Message Authentication Code (HMAC) with SHA-256 algorithm. Details can be found here: HMAC Authentication (Request) HMAC Authentication (Notify)

Parameters for reversal of payments with Klarna Payments

The following table describes the result parameters with which the 1cs Online Payment System responds to your system:


-pls. be prepared to receive additional parameters at any time and do not check the order of parameters

– the key (e.g. MerchantId, RefNr) should not be checked case-sentive

MIDans..30MMerchantID, assigned by First Cash Solution
PayIDan32MID assigned by the 1cs Online Payment System for the payment, e.g. for referencing in batch files as well as for capture or credit request.
XIDan32MID for all single transactions (authorisation, capture, credit note) for one payment assigned by the 1cs Online Payment System
TransIDans..64MTransactionID provided by you which should be unique for each payment
RefNrns..30OMerchant’s unique reference number Only ASCII characters are allowed. Special characters such as (“umlauts”, …) are not permitted and may have to be replaced by ASCII characters (e.g. ü → ue, é → e, …).
Statusa..50MOK (URLSuccess) or FAILED (URLFailure)
Descriptionans..1024MFurther details in the event that payment is rejected. Please do not use the Description but the Code parameter for the transaction status analysis!
Coden8MError code according to the 1cs Online Payment System Response Codes (Error Codes)
CodeExtans..50OError code from Klarna, if agreed with First Cash Solution support
ErrorTextans..1024OError text from Klarna, if agreed with First Cash Solution support

Response parameters for reversal of payments with Klarna Payments

3 Batch processing via the interface

Basic information about using Batch files and about their structure can be found in the Batch Manager manual. Within batch processing not alle functions are available which are usually available for the online interface.

This section describes the parameters which must be transferred within the data set (Record) for executing a payment with Klarna Payments and which information can be found within the response file about the payment status.

When capturing there is a need to differentiate between complete and partial activation requests. In the case of part capturing you need also to transfer the article list with <ArticleList>. The <ArticleList> parameter is also required if a partial credit is made on a full activation. The two parameters <ArticleList> and <InvNo> are also required in the case of a partial credit on a partial activation. All additional parameters are also returned in the response file.

Following table gives an overview of all batch versions that are possible for a specific action and their specialities:

Capture1.0 / 2.0Standard version without return of parameter Code
1.x / 2.xwith RefNr (valid for all versions other than 1.0)
Credit1.0 / 2.0Standard version without return of parameter Code
1.x / 2.xwith RefNr (valid for all versions other than 1.0)
Reverse1.0 / 2.0Standard version without return of parameter Code
1.x / 2x.with RefNr (valid for all versions other than 1.0)

Description of the possible batch versions

The structure for a payment with Klarna Payments within a Batch file to be submitted is the following:



KLARNAPM,CAPTURE,<Amount>,<Currency>,<TransID>,(<RefNr>,)<PayID>,<ArticleList> KLARNAPM,CREDIT,<Amount>,<Currency>,<TransID>,(<RefNr>,)<PayID> KLARNAPM,CREDIT,<Amount>,<Currency>,<TransID>,(<RefNr>,)<PayID>,<ArticleList> KLARNAPM,REVERSE,<Amount>,<Currency>,<TransID>,(<RefNr>,)<PayID> FOOT,<CountRecords>,<SumAmount>

Example for Master MID function:

HEAD, [Master] MerchantID,Date,2.x
Type,Action, [Slave] MID,Amount,Currency,TransID,Data (depends on Action)

The following table describes the individual fields and values used within the data set (record) in the batch file:

Typea..11MHEAD for Header, FOOT for Footer, KLARNA for Klarna Payments
Actiona..20MThe parameter Action defines the type of transaction: Capture Credit Reverse (cancellation)
Amountn..10MAmount in the smallest currency unit (e.g. EUR Cent) Please contact the helpdesk, if you want to capture amounts < 100 (smallest currency unit).
Currencya3MCurrency, three characters DIN / ISO 4217, permitted are: AUD, CHF, DKK, EUR, GBP, NOK, SEK, USD. Please find an overview here: A1 Currency table EN
TransIDans..64MTransactionID provided by you which should be unique for each payment
RefNrns..30OMerchant’s unique reference number Only ASCII characters are allowed. Special characters such as (“umlauts”, …) are not permitted and may have to be replaced by ASCII characters (e.g. ü → ue, é → e, …).
PayIDan32MID assigned by the 1cs Online Payment System for this transaction
InvNoans..30OInvoice number for a part activation or part credit. Longest InvNo so far had 17 digits.

Description of fields within the record for Batch files

The record area within the response file for Batch transactions looks as follows:



KLARNAPM,CAPTURE,<Amount>,<Currency>,<TransID>,(<RefNr>,)<PayID>,<ArticleList>,<Status>,<Code> KLARNAPM,CREDIT,<Amount>,<Currency>,<TransID>,(<RefNr>,)<PayID>,<Status>,<Code> KLARNAPM,CREDIT,<Amount>,<Currency>,<TransID>,(<RefNr>,)<PayID>,<ArticleList>,<Status>,<Code> KLARNAPM,REVERSE,<Amount>,<Currency>,<TransID>,(<RefNr>,)<PayID>,<Status>,<Code> FOOT,<CountRecords>,<SumAmount>

The following table describes the response parameters which the Batch Manager saves in the Record area for each transaction (standard parameters not explained here, such as <TransID> or <RefNR> and request parameters are returned unchanged and correspond to the call as specified before):

Actiona..20MThe parameter Action defines the type of transaction: Capture Credit Reverse (cancellation)
PayIDan32MID for this transaction given by the 1cs Online Payment System
Statusa..50MOK (URLSuccess) or FAILED (URLFailure)
Coden8MError code according to the 1cs Online Payment System Response Codes (Error Codes)

Description of result parameters within the record for Batch files