JSON Object



The account information contains optional information about the cardholder account with the merchant.

Cardholder Account Information data elements used to define a time period can be included as either: the specific date or an approximate indicator for when the action occurred. 3DS Requestors can use either format.

Data Elements

accountIdentifierstringOThe account ID of the cardholder within merchant environment / website (e.g. customer number).
authenticationInformationobjectOThis element contains optional information about how the cardholder authenticated during login to their account in the merchant environment (e.g. website).
accountAgeIndicatorstringOLength of time that the customer has had the payment instrument / payment account with the merchant. Values accepted: · guestCheckout · thisTransaction · lessThan30Days · from30To60Days · moreThan60Days
accountChangeDatestringODate that the customer’s payment instrument (account) with the merchant was last changed, including billing or shipping address, new payment account, or new user(s) added (YYYY-MM-DD).
accountChangeIndicatorstringOLength of time since the customer’s account information with the merchant was last changed, including billing or shipping address, new payment account, or new user(s) added. Values accepted: · thisTransaction · lessThan30Days · from30To60Days · moreThan60Days
accountCreationDatestringODate that the customer opened the account with the merchant in format YYYY-MM-DD.
passwordChangeDatestringODate that customer’s account with the merchant had a password change or account reset in format YYYY-MM-DD.
passwordChangeDateIndicatorstringOIndicates the length of time since the customer account had a password change or account reset. Values accepted: · noChange · thisTransaction · lessThan30Days · from30To60Days · moreThan60Days
nbrOfPurchasesintegerONumber of purchases in the last 6 months.
addCardAttemptsDayintegerONumber of Add Card attempts in the last 24 hours.
nbrTransactionsDayintegerONumber of transactions (successful and abandoned) in the previous 24 hours.
nbrTransactionsYearintegerONumber of transactions (successful and abandoned) in the previous year.
paymentAccountAgestringODate that the payment account was enrolled in the customer account in format YYYY-MM-DD.
paymentAccountAgeIndicatorstringOIndicates the length of time that the payment account was enrolled in the customer account. Values accepted: · guestCheckout · thisTransaction · lessThan30Days · from30To60Days · moreThan60Days
shipAddressUsageDatestringODate when the shipping address used for this transaction was first used in format YYYY-MM-DD.
shipAddressUsageIndicatorstringOIndicates when the shipping address used for this transaction was first used. Values accepted: · thisTransaction · lessThan30Days · from30To60Days · moreThan60Days
suspiciousAccActivitybooleanOIndicates whether the merchant has experienced suspicious activity (including previous fraud) on the customer account.


authenticationDatastringCThis data element can carry specific authentication attestation data such as FIDO if applicable.
authenticationMethodstringMThis data element specifies the mechanism used by the Cardholder to authenticate to the merchant. Values accepted: · guest · merchantCredentials · federatedID · issuerCredentials · thirdPartyAuthentication · FIDO · signedFIDO · SRCassuranceData
authenticationTimestampstringMDate and time (see RFC 3339) in UTC of the cardholder authentication. YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+00:00



    “accountIdentifier”: “joe.bloggs@acme.com”

    “authenticationInformation”: {

        “authenticationMethod”: “merchantCredentials”,

        “authenticationTimestamp”: “2021-10-05T04:36:18+00:00”


    “accountAgeIndicator”: “moreThan60Days”,

    “accountChangeDate”: “2019-01-23”,

    “accountChangeIndicator”: “from30To60Days”,

    “accountCreationDate”: “2016-01-01”,

    “passwordChangeDate”: “2018-06-08”,

    “passwordChangeDateIndicator”: “lessThan30Days”,

    “nbrOfPurchases”: 4,

    “addCardAttemptsDay”: 0,

    “nbrTransactionsDay”: 0,

    “nbrTransactionsYear”: 5,

    “paymentAccountAge”: “2018-03-20”,

    “paymentAccountAgeIndicator”: “thisTransaction”,

    “shipAddressUsageDate”: “2017-10-14”,

    “shipAddressUsageIndicator”: “moreThan60Days”,

    “suspiciousAccActivity”: true
